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Frequently Asked Questions
Surrogacy is an unselfish Journey. With the help of our knowledgeable staff, we are sure it will be a smooth one.
Below you will find our FAQs to help with your decision. For any other concerns feel free to CONTACT US.
Why should I choose Future Spring Surrogacy?We know that surrogates have many agencies to choose from. And without you, none of what we do is possible. Helping you to assist someone in fulfilling their dreams of becoming a parent through surrogacy is the easy part. At Future Spring Surrogacy, our surrogates are our friends and family, and we aim to deliver an experience that you’ll treasure for the rest of your life.
How can I qualify to be a surrogate mother?In order to qualify as a surrogate with us, you will need to meet the following basic criteria: had a healthy, uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery of at least one child have no more than 5 births in total, or more than 2 c-sections so far no psychiatric history financially stable (no government assistance) non smoker with no drug/alcohol use be willing to reduce for medical reasons at Intended Parents’ discretion We explain surrogate qualifications in detail on our dedicated page too, learn more on page: Requirements
How long does the surrogacy process take from start to finish?We aim to move things along as quickly and safely as possible. Most surrogates finish their surrogacy in 18 months (from initial application to delivery), but we encourage you to prepare yourself for up to two years. Check out the Timeline on our PROCESS page.
How do I get pregnant if I am a surrogate?In gestational surrogacy journeys, Surrogates become pregnant through in vitro fertilization (IVF). We’ll create the embryo ready for implantation from the intended parent(s)’ or donor’s egg and sperm. You will take medications for a few weeks before the transfer to prepare your body to be receptive to an embryo being transferred to your uterus.
How much do you get paid as a surrogate?It depends on a few factors: if you are a first time or repeat surrogate, if you carry multiples, or have to deliver by cesarean section, etc. Based on those factors, there is a base compensation plus potential additional expenses and fees. We breakdown the details of compensation and benefits on a dedicated surrogate Compensation page, or you can contact our case coordinators to get more information.
Do I need to have medical insurance to be a surrogate mother?No, in order to become a surrogate mother, you do not have to have medical insurance, since we can obtain a policy for you. If you do have an insurance policy, we will have it reviewed for use as a surrogate and offer complimentary insurance in case there are items that your policy may not cover in the surrogacy process.
Is being a surrogate risky?Surrogate pregnancy carries the same risks as carrying your own pregnancy.
Do I need to pay for anything to be a surrogate mother?No, we cover the cost of everything pertaining to your surrogacy journey. You may occasionally need to pay for a cost upfront (i.e. a co-pay at a doctor’s office) and we reimburse you upon receiving your receipt for your expense.
Can I be a surrogate if I have had a miscarriage?Yes, absolutely. Miscarriage will not disqualify you from becoming a surrogate, as long as it has not been a recurrent issue.
Can I be a surrogate if I have never had a child?Unfortunately, no. In order to qualify as a surrogate here at Mark Surrogacy, you need to have given birth to and raised at least one child.
Can I be a surrogate if I have depression?Depression history is fine as long as the potential surrogate mother has the doctor's approval and is not taking anti-depression pills for at least six months.
If I have had an abortion, can I be a surrogate mother?Yes, absolutely. Having had an abortion does not disqualify you from becoming a surrogate mother.
Can I choose the intended parents if I am a surrogate mother?You do have a say in the intended parents you work with. Once you are medically and psychologically cleared to become a surrogate with us, we’ll match you with one of the intended parent(s) we work with. We will provide you with an intended parent(s) profile where you will find out more about who they are, what they are looking for, and what their expectations and hopes are during the surrogacy process and beyond. If you feel it is someone you can share your surrogacy journey with, we’ll share your profile with them and arrange a match meeting. Surrogacy match meetings can be face to face, however as we also work with many international patients, it most often be a FaceTime or a phone call meeting.
How many times can you be a surrogate?This really depends on how many pregnancies you have carried already; typically we will allow no more than 5 pregnancies in total. If you have carried and delivered between 1 and 4 pregnancies so far, we can still consider you to become a surrogate with us.
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